Friday, September 16, 2011

Auto-Immune Diseases - Friend or Foe?

This was the question I was asking myself while out on my morning bike ride. Today is a perfect fall day and the scenery couldn't have been more beautiful as Pike's Peak received it's first snow of the season yesterday and it was simply majestic. So in between my "Wow! Isn't that just so amazing?! Thank You, God" thoughts, I was actually giving thanks for my health condition as well. I know, kinda crazy, given this past month of tests, frustration, expensive treatment plans, total makeup of diet required, and countless doctor apps. While I don't believe any disease is necessary a friend as their intent is to kill, steal, and destroy; I don't think they have to remain one's enemy, either. I believe that an illness can cause someone to stop and consider just what's important in life. One can reset their priorities, become a giver and an encourager, reflect on how they can change their actions and attitudes so that they can live life without regrets and with peace and joy in their hearts, and even research what was the cause of the illness and find a remedy - ie, learn to eat more nutritiously, stress less, exercise more, pray, read, etc...

To think that even though I was eating an organic 90% grain-free diet and still develop a very severe case of Leaky Gut was quite discouraging. But I learned that another Lymie was eating a 90% raw diet and also became allergic/sensitive to organic fruits and veggies. Hmmm... In a way, I was comforted by her story. Comforting to know that 1. someone else suffers like I do and 2. I do not have to accept the guilt I was placing upon myself for not being vigilant enough. Ya know, the if onlys - if only I had done this or if only I had known to do that.... I so want to be that 'success' story and tell others how they can overcome their illnesses, too. Yet, those who have spent any time with me wonder just what my "special" diet does for me.

Truth is, and I had to be reminded of this today, according to 4 medical physicians, that the only reason I am alive today is due to my vigilance with nutrition. They've said, "Without your nutritional foundation in place, you'd be dead by now." So the success story is today. The here and now. Each day I live, every breath I take - regardless of the status of my health at any given moment - is pure success and a gift from God. And while Lyme continues to make a mess out of me, I will fight back against my enemy; yet will also rise up to meet my obstacles and turn them into opportunities to become a better me. I know if I can do that, anyone can. So my challenge for you is to do the same. Take some time to spend with yourself. List the areas you want to see improvement in and then develop a game plan for making it happen. Most likely, you'll need someone to be your accountability partner to check in on you to see how you're doing and to encourage you to never give up. You are a winner!! Think like a champion and you will get the victory!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to hear more about your Lyme disease diagnosis - how did you discover it? I'm also a person with multiple food sensitivities including celiac, and continue to have issues despite an incredibly clean diet. I was bit by a tick (although a large one and I know deer ticks are small?)... Anyway, what prompted you to get tested? How long have you been dealing with it? Thanks!
