Saturday, October 15, 2011

Type 1 diabetes and G-Free living

Due to one of my son's developing Type 1 diabetes at the age of 4, my A1c knocking at the door of becoming Type 1 diabetic (thanks to Lyme), and all of us carrying at least one of the celiac genes, I am very concerned about the potential for any of us to develop either celiac disease or diabetes or both.   I have been consulting with Dr. Vikki at HealthNow Medical Clinic in San Francisco and wanted to pass along some information she has been educating me about.  Dr. Vikki Petersen’s Gluten Blog, it’s packed with great information.  She writes in a way which one can easily understand - it's not filled with medical terminology only physician's can comprehend. I encourage you if you or a loved one has either Type 1 diabetes or Celiac, I encourage you to check out her recent article: Gluten Intolerant Report: If you have diabets, reade this!.

Also, reading Dr. Vikki Petersen's book, The Gluten Effect, is very informative and educational for anyone suffering from any health issue or auto-immune illness.  More later from me on all of this.  It's my passion to learn and share with others what I'm learning about health and nutrition so they, too, can recover what they've lost and get back in balance - to live a life full of energy, joy, and wellness. :)

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