Fortunately, I'm in the position of telling her that she's not being punished or should not feel as if she is no longer 'normal' because she cannot eat 'normal' foods like pizza, cereal, Mac and Cheese like her 'normal' friends - but that she's one of the "lucky" ones. The typical American diet leads to sickness, disease, and even death as it's filled with toxins, chemicals, heavy metals (there's mercury in high fructose corn syrup, my friends). In fact, recent research stated that 80% of what is sold in 'normal' supermarkets is poison for the body as it is nutrient deficient, genetically modified, full of hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, and only God knows what else. As I've told my daughter, her new 'diet' is a diet that everyone should follow if they want to live life without serious health problems. Her 'diet' is what is going to keep her, and the rest of our family, living life abundantly.
While making the transition may be difficult, it will be well worth it in the long run.
To make this more applicable to you, here is a list of foods I believe are healthy for most people, especially when organic: (NOTE: Please have a personal food allergy test done to ensure these healthy foods are truly healthy for you. click here to find out more information)
- low to moderate glycemic-index fruits
- Veggies except those belonging to the nightshade family
- Olive, grape seed and coconut oils
- Almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans, and most other nuts (except peanuts and if you have a an allergy)
- Nut butters without additives
- Farm-fresh eggs (unless have an allergy)
- Grass-fed, hormone-free, antibiotic-free meat
- Wild-caught fish
- Legumes (not canned)
- Spices (ensure gluten-free or if have an allergy)
- Coconut, almond, cashew or rice milk
- keifer
- Brown rice and other kinds of rice except white
- Gluten-free and even grain-free breads, crackers, cookies and desserts
- natural food bars
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