Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dairy Free Dairy!

I recently learned of some new products available to those who are lactose intolerant (which is different from being allergic to the protein in the milk, which is a casein sensitivity). There are very specific kinds of dairy which are unlikely to cause any symptoms to those who are lactose intolerant - and maybe for some of those who have dairy sensitivities! This is what I learned:

There are three critical things you want to look for in dairy products:

1) Must be raw or very low-temperature pasteurized
Raw dairy contains all its living enzymes and probiotics, so it is MUCH easier to digest since it partially digests itself. (quite simply - it contains lactase enzymes which break down much of the lactose in the yogurt or milk before you drink it, and lactose intolerance is often no longer an issue!)
Amasai cultured dairy from grassfed cows

2) Must be 100% Grassfed (Greenfed)
Industrial (conventional) cows, even organic ones, are fed grains like corn, not grass which is what they are suppose to eat. The grains cause inflammation in the cow's body and in turn this causes inflammation in YOUR body, resulting in allergies, congestion, skin rashes, ear infections in kids, etc.

3) Must be from A-2 Heirloom cows
The dairy cows in the US are primarily of the A-1 breed and the proteins in their milk contain a hard to digest and inflammatory Alpha Beta Casein. Yet in Europe, dairy cows are mostly of the A-2 breed and their milk does not contain this problematic protein. Goat milk dairy is also A-2 milk, which is why it is commonly recommended for the lactose intolerant.

So where can you find raw dairy products from organic A-2 cows that are 100% grassfed?

Beyond Organic! It's a farm founded by a natural health expert, and New York Times Best Selling author, Jordan Rubin.

Jordan Rubin, Annika Rockwell: Beyond OrganicWho is Jordan Rubin and Beyond Organic?

Many of you may know Jordan Rubin, CEO of Garden of Life, and author of The Maker's Diet. Jordan's own personal health challenge sent him on a mission to discover great quality HEALTHY food. His realization that such healthy food was not readily available to the public led him to start his own organic farm and share his message of building a healthy lifestyle.

Jordan's company, Garden of Life, was founded over a decade ago and has rapidly become one of the leading nutritional supplement companies in America. His goal is to "transform the health of the nation one life at a time."

Beyond Organic Foods Include:

  • Really Raw Organic CheeseAmasai: Drinkable cultured dairy beverage with 30 strains and 100 billion probiotics. ($37.50 per six pack, or 20% off with "Preferred Customer" membership.)
  • Really Raw Cheese (never heated past 101 degrees)
  • 100% Greenfed Organic Beef (hamburger and hot dogs packed with CLA and omega-3s)
  • Certified Organic Dark Chocolate with probiotics and omega-3s (non-GMO)
  • SueroViv - natural whey sports drink with eletrolytes, aminos, antioxidants, probiotics.

How to Shop at Beyond Organic
Shop online and have them shipped right to your door! These foods are NOT available at the health food store.

1) Purchase foods (at retail prices) from my Beyond Organic distributor website:
Click here to start shopping ("Retail>Buy Now")

OR, save money and Become a "Preferred Customer" of Beyond Organic for $19.95 per year, and receive a 20% discount on all Beyond Organic products.

Preferred Customer Beyond OrganicAmasai cultured dairy from grassfed cows

For inquiries about Beyond Organic foods & beverages: Tel (866) 993-2739

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