As I continue to research on how to heal my belly, it's my desire to pass along with you what I've been learning. I find the information fascinating and actually quite helpful. What I am personally doing is a bit different due to having a unique set of problems associated with Leaky Gut which have been caused by Lyme disease. Soon, I'll post that information in case there's any Lymies out there who are searching for the same remedies and I. However, this information is beneficial to most people and I do hope that means you, too! To your health and happiness -
Science-Guided Nutrition - taken from Dr. Akiba Green's Blog
When the lining of the small intestine becomes too porous, it allows entry of toxins, microorganisms, and undigested food particles into the bloodstream and triggers an inflammatory immune response. Intestinal barrier compromise has been associated with multiple food sensitivities, increased inflammation, autoimmune reactions, chronic fatigue, and diverse gastrointestinal symptoms.
RepairVite is formulated to provide key nutrients to help support intestinal barrier integrity. It contains scientifically researched nutrients such as flavonoids, antioxidants, plant sterols, glycoproteins, and saponins to address the complex nutritional needs to support intestinal lining integrity.
RepairVite is formulated to provide key nutrients to help support intestinal barrier integrity. It contains scientifically researched nutrients such as flavonoids, antioxidants, plant sterols, glycoproteins, and saponins to address the complex nutritional needs to support intestinal lining integrity.
- Provides glycoproteins to cover mucosa called mucin to support mucosal membrane
- Supports the regeneration and restoration of the intestinal lining as it relates to nutritional balance
- Provides natural compounds that may aid in reducing intestinal pain and discomfort
- Provides extracts with high mucilage content to soothe and help the intestines heal
- Provides phyto extracts to help modulate gastrointestinal motility and secretion of digestive enzyme
Increased Intestinal Permeability Leaky Gut
When the digestive tract mucosa is inflamed, the tight junctions of the intestinal mucosa are compromised as they become widened and permeable to large, undigested compounds, toxins, and bacteria. This is also known as “leaky gut.” The large compounds of undigested proteins that are absorbed are reacted against by the underlying intestinal immune system and promote exaggerated immune response. This creates a vicious cycle of further intestinal inflammation and greater loss of intestinal barrier integrity.
Therefore, as the intestinal tract becomes inflamed from diet, lifestyle, medications, and infections, it causes further intestinal inflammation, feeding this vicious cycle promoted by intestinal permeability. After the intestinal mucosa becomes damaged, the damaged cells become unable to properly digest food and produce the enzymes necessary for digestion. This leads to malnutrition, further intestinal inflammation, further permeability, the development of food sensitivities, bacteria and yeast overgrowths, and impaired intestinal immune integrity. These self-promoting cycles become difficult to unwind unless aggressive dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle strategies are employed.
An Anti-Inflammatory diet means the elimination of any and all food which can cause inflammation in your body and/or brain. Your personal set of foods causing your system irritation can be identified by taking a Food Sensitivity Test, like the one my chiropractic neurologist Dr. Brad Gulla at n8 Wellness performs from NeuroScience. Some main Inflammatory foods are:
Sodas, Coffee and Alcohol
NASIDsSugars - cane sugar, corn sugar, honey, agave, candy
Fruits - basically anything but cranberries and Granny Smith apples
Grains - gluten, soy, corn, quinoa, oats, etc..
Lectins - nuts, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers
Vegetables - excluding the night shad family
Processed food
Coconut - milk, oil, etc
Fermented foods - kimchi, pickled ginger, mixed pickles, kombucha tea, coconut yogurt
The supplement Program from Apex Energetics which Dr. Gulla recommends are:
RepairVite - to repair
ClearVite - to remove and replace
Strengtia - probiotics to support the intestinal flora
GI - Synergy - anti-bacterial, anti-yeast, and anti-parasitic
DHA Omega 3
And perhaps NeuroFlam for neuro disturbances like brain fog
And before you freak out thinking you're going to starve for the next few weeks. Hang on! There's hope! Below is a link to all kinds of recipes for the RepairVite diet. YOU CAN DO THIS!! It's essential to your health and your immune system depends on a healthy gut system. Better to endure this for a few weeks than to develop an auto-immune disease which you'll have for life!
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